My "To the gamers Xmas List"
For Christmas, I would like to give everyone a good pat on the back and a "morale" present. If you don't get what I'm saying, just continue reading.
-To all the World of Warcraft players...
--I'd like to give them a Life
-To all the RuneScape players...
--I'd like to give them something new to play
-To all the Warhammer players...
--I'd like to give them their $10 a month back
-To all the FlyFF players...
--I'd like to give them an instance to free them of their grind-fest
-To all the Final Fantasy Online players...
--I'd like to give them powerleveling and get them past level 8. (my friend said it takes about 2 months to get to lvl 6)
-To all the Star Wars Online players...
--I'd like to give them freedom of the force
-To all the Guild Wars players...
--I'd like to give all your classes buffs and allow everything PvE related to be somewhat more fun
the end.